I have agreed to take over the role as Fishing Coordinator for the club – a role I have done at various times through the years. I am lucky to have the following key people helping me: Kevin Giles (sponsorship), Glenda McNeill (secretary and treasurer) Lyle and Christine Benton (kids fishing) and 7 other helpers.
In these difficult financial times, our main sponsors for the Quad Competition prize have indicated that they will not be supporting us and so we have lost the main sponsor for this competition. To this end we are surveying the members to get feedback on what format we will run but at present we are looking at a February Game Fishing competition, March fishing day and a two-day Easter fishing competition with a lay day running from Friday to Sunday.
At present we have the summer fishing competition-from 1st October to 1st April 2025, with this year fishing for only snapper, gurnard and kahawai, the monthly species having been removed. The prize is a monthly $40 club meal voucher for each section. Can I express my thanks to Murray Lucas for looking after this competition.
We are also looking at expanding this competition to a LBF (land-based fishing) section for torpedoes, drones and surfcasting with monthly prizes for the longest snapper and gurnard. We are awaiting the results of the survey to finalise the competition rules and conditions with an aim to start from the first of November.
The women’s fishing competition again has as the main sponsor Tanenuiarangi Manawatu Incorporated and once we know the format for the year’s fishing competitions, we will set the date for the competition.
Chris Janes