PRESENT: Roger Cook (Chair), Paula Bary (Vice-Commodore), K Turnbull (Secretary), M Bartlett (Treasurer), Peter Jamieson (Patron) and 57 members & guests.
APOLOGIES: Tony & Jan Stella, Stuart & Sharon Atkins, Bruce & Claire Culley, John Bary,
Lance Pedersen, Julie McIntosh, Jenny Pettigrew, Ngaire Curtis, Lil Giles, Ngaire & Neil Hughson, David Hardman, Patrick Gregory
Moved: Bill Curtis Seconded: Lance Pettigrew All Agreed
MINUTES: Minutes of the 52nd Annual General Meeting were taken as circulated and read.
Moved: John Story Seconded: Gary Stratford All Agreed
No matters arising.
Roger Cook presented his Report
Welcome everyone to the 53rd Annual General Meeting of the Manawatu Marine Boating Club. Both myself and the Executive committee thank you all for your support. The club has experienced another very successful year with the membership up around 750 and this shows in the financial returns with increases in all departments.
To all those members who have lost family members this year our thoughts are with you.
Thanks to all the volunteer bar staff over the last twelve months. If it wasn’t for your dedicated commitment, we would not be able to operate so efficiently.
A big thanks to Julie for another great twelve months of looking after the overall management of the club. I know you are under a lot of pressure sometimes, but we do appreciate your efforts.
Thanks to Malcolm and Jenny for the continued running of the Handle & Bangle clubs on Wednesday nights. They provide a good social atmosphere and some nights there are more Bangles than Handles.
To all the other volunteers who work around the club behind the scenes, a big thank you from myself and the Executive. Whether you volunteer outside, inside, on the land or in the water you are greatly appreciated by everyone. I have been a member of this club for 48 years and this is how the club was started and is still the driving force behind this very successful club today.
The club acoustics have been installed and are working well, as is the new silt pusher for the launching ramp. Three Heat Pumps have been installed in the main lounge and are doing a great job. The Floating Jetty has been finalized and is about to be measured and ordered. The finance for this is around the $58,000 mark and has been funded by a grant from the Pelorus Trust and donations from members and others. A big thanks to everyone who contributed to this.
Plans for the new Bar & Kitchen Servery are still in the planning stage and we are waiting for preliminary plans to arrive.
Repairs to the downstream end of the wharf are still in discussion with the powers that be. HDC – DOC and Horizons DC are all in discussion and we have been assured that progress is being made.
Thanks to Janine, our Bar lady. I have only had good comments so keep up the good work. Also, many thanks to Mick, Toni and the girls & boys working in the kitchen and providing the lovely meals and roasts on Friday and Saturday nights.
The club Property & Maintenance team have done a great job in looking after the club. They can turn their hand to most things and when the going gets tough they know they can call on their band of volunteers. Thanks to Bill and Kelvin and their helpers.
A big thank you go to our Radio Operators. This is the reason the club was started, to provide a safety net for those wanting to go fishing off our coast. Also, thanks to Murray for looking after the ramp on our busy days.
The Pool Club is going well with a good membership and attendance on Thursday nights. Super Rugby picks is still very popular during the winter months. There was an end of year dinner and prize giving which was enjoyed by everyone.
We are still getting a lot of midweek lunches & breakfast functions at the club. Many thanks to Paula, Julie, Mick and their helpers. These are all money in the bank.
The Fishing committee, Paula & Kevin have done another great job this year. They have put in many hours of work so you can enjoy your day out fishing and at the end you might be lucky enough to win a prize. Many thanks to everyone for your time and effort.
The MMBC run on 99% volunteers and if we didn’t have them, we wouldn’t have a club to enjoy the way we do. So, if you can spare a few hours here and there please step up as we see the same ones time after time and some of them are getting older now.
The Executive committee have been excellent to work with and have made my job easy. Thanks to Paula for stepping up at a time when everything was thrown into a turmoil when Keith passed away. I commend the committee in the way they kept the club on an even keel until everything was sorted out. Because of what happened, prompted us to change a few things in the Constitution and this is the reason we have a few Remits. Thanks to Bernard for doing the work on this.
To everyone on the Executive committee who have taken on various jobs, thanks very much for your time and well executed effort. To those who are standing down this coming year, I wish you all the best and welcome to any new committee members. Ian, I hope you are on the mend and have a speedy recovery.
Thanks to Margaret for her excellent job as our Treasurer. Margaret is standing down this year and I wish her all the best in the future.
Thanks to our Secretary, Karen, for your input to the club and support over the year.
It is a pleasure and an honor to be the Commodore at MMBC. As it was in 1983 – 1985 the club is in great shape and I see a great future in the years to come.
Thanks everyone and good boating to you all.
Roger Cook
Moved: Peter Jamieson Seconded: Janine Gregory All Agreed
Margaret Bartlett the retiring Treasurer gave her final report –
Financial Report for Year Ended 30 June 2019
Consolidated Accounts
Over all the divisions within the club, there was surplus for the year of $30,185.00, bring the Total Owners Equity to $1,013,517.
The Statement of Financial Position shows, under Current Liabilities, Donations Received in Advance $19,703. The balance is made up of:
Donation Profab $5,000
Donations Members $3,892
Donation Fishing $5,000
Donation Sailing $1,000
Ramp Inc for the year $4,811
This was reversed back into the Club Income account at 1 July towards payment of the floating jetty.
Looking at the performance of the individual areas of the Club:
The bar has made a healthy surplus of $91,150, an increase of $16,380 from last year.
The total Bar Sales were $197,035 up by $38,334 from the previous year
Since 2016, sales have increased by $45,590; Supply purchases have increased by $23,691; wages have increased by $2,262.
As I said last year, without the volunteers who man the bar five nights per week our costs would be much higher. Again, thanks to Julie for her work managing the cost-effective purchasing of stock, and for the running of the facility.
The kitchen has also had a good year ending with a surplus of $32,636.
The total Kitchen sales were $192,912 up by $45,353 from the previous year.
Since 2016 income has increased by $75,806; Supply purchases have increased by $39,577; wages have increased by $12,122.
The increase in the number of meals sold and functions catered for is reflected in the higher income and the costs, including wages.
Again, thanks again to Julie for her management skills with the kitchen staff and food purchasing. Food prices don’t stop rising, and Mick and Julie still organise menus and obtain quality supplies while keeping the costs as low as they can.
The Statement of Financial Performance for Sailing shows a deficit this year of $1,462.
This deficit is attributed to donation of $1,000 to the Floating Jetty fund and expenses for service of the rescue boat and of trailers for sailing boats, and the resulting repairs $1,724.
Fishing division shows a surplus of $6,225 for Fishing this year, in the Statement of Financial Performance. Not included in this figure is the new wharf scraper of $11,735 which was purchased by Fishing and recorded to Assets. So, the actual end of year figure to be transferred to/from banks accounts is -$5,510.
Income & expenses are similar to the previous financial year.
A donation of $5k was given to the club towards the floating jetty. Further donation to be made in the 2020 year.
Pool accounts show surplus of $1,884 which is higher than the previous four years
Income from weekly games up by $99.
Surplus of $5,102. Income and expenses similar to previous years
The end of year shows a small deficit of $62.
A reminder that the Social division is there to organise member functions. The majority of profit made is through the bar and kitchen sales.
Revenue totalled $187,209 compared with 2018 year total of $204,108.
The total of all divisional revenue is $14,800 higher than last year, and the total Operating Revenue is down by $31,700. Last year’s income included revenue from HDC barbeque costs recovered $5,795; higher Donation including $20k for the roof and Ramp Fees of $3,863. This year’s ramp fees explained earlier – moved to the Jetty fund.
Total expenses for the year ended 30 June were $157,024, $33,437 less last than last year. Last year we had the major expense of the roof replacement.
Legal fees of $6,388 — $4,430 for Jetski conflict and $1,958 for Lease/Ramp enquiry.
Club Manager’s wages have increased over the last four years by $8,759. Considering the increase in membership, resulting in higher club patronage and Bar & Kitchen sales (including functions) over the same period, this appears reasonable. If we were a restaurant in the city with the same turnover, the wages bill would be much higher than this.
Major Repairs and Maintenance were not very major this year:
- Installation new distribution board $2,418
- Replacement kitchen switches and install hotpoint $1,063
- CCTV alterations and new cabling $1,097
- Rescue boat and sailing boats trailer services and repairs $1,725
Major Capital Expenditure:
- Acoustic Paneling $11,503
- Three heat pumps $12,600
- Laptops for Fishing and Club Admin Manager $1,424
- Wharf Scraper $11,735
Thanks to Roger and the committee for their support and again I want to thank Julie for all the work she does accounting for our income and providing me with a categorised, calculated spreadsheet of all those details at the end of each month.
This is my last report. I am stepping down after three years. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Treasurer role, but I am looking forward to having more free time in the summer months.
Sue McPhee is taking over the role. Sue is an accountant so you will be in the best hands ever. Thanks Sue.
Marg Bartlett
Moved: Stephanie Seconded: Blair Cottrill All Agreed
Lance Pettigrew asked if we have had as many members joining as we have had leaving the club this last year as this is what the accounts suggest. In actuality more members would have joined but a lower joining fee that was introduced would account for these figures.
Larry Ellison commended the club on the best financial achievement it has had in 11 years.
Kevin Giles presented his report
To all Members
We had another great year of fishing at the club, with Kids fishing having over 150 keen kids on the day.
The fishing section paid for a new ramp pusher $13,000.
Fishing also donated $5,000 to the floating jetty fund.
Fishing has also put aside anther $5,000 for the floating jetty fund if required.
Easter was a great success with a profit of over $12,000.
I would like the Fishing committee to please stand. While I have been the Fishing Co-ordinator this committee has raised more than $103,000.00 through the Easter Fishing weekends. This is a great achievement.
We later found out all was not as it should be as the boat that had won a major prize had broken one of the rules by having an unregistered person on their boat.
We now have a claim lodged with the Disputes Tribunal, to be heard on the 1st of October 2019 to resolve this issue.
I would like to sincerely thank all our great sponsors and the fantastic members who continue to support such a great club event. These people give a lot of their precious time during the year to the fishing section and the club to make the MMBC a great club to belong to.
Looking forward to another great year at the club.
The Fishing committee is always looking for new members and usually meet at 7pm on the second Wednesday of each month at the MMBC boat club.
Kevin Giles
Fishing Co-ordinator.
Moved: Kevin Giles moved that his report be accepted Seconded: Bill Curtis All Agreed
Gary Stratford presented the Pool Club report on behalf of John Bary
It is my pleasure to present the Presidents report on behalf of John Bary our current Pool Club President. MMBC’s Pool Club has 36 members and regularly average 27-28 players on a Thursday night.
At our recent Pool Club AGM Bill Baker who has been club Captain for many years stood down. We thank Bill for organising the weekly competitions and the home and away games with kindred clubs.
The Pool Management committee now is
John Bary – President
Les Welch – Captain
Gary Stratford – Treasurer
Phil Brown, Jude Moxon & Murray Lucas comprise the committee
We have regular home and away games with Foxton RSA, PN RSA, PN Cosmopolitan Club, Pahiatua Pool Club & the Deaf Society. These games are always held in a friendly, competitive nature and always social.
The Pool Club again ran the J & J Story Open Pairs tournament in August on behalf of the MMBC Club. Adam Frampton and his son Leonard won the trophy for the 2nd consecutive year.
We are now competing in our 2nd 12 week competition and our year will finish with Christmas Dinner and prize giving again in December.
Moved: Gary Stratford moved that this report be accepted Seconded: Bill Baker All Agreed
The sailing club operates from the small beech near the car park every two weeks between September and April to match up closely with the tides.
We have a strong fleet of 12 regular laser sailors and a couple of Sunbursts to add to the fleet. We have been trying to develop our junior fleet of ‘Optis’ and have succeeded in retaining a good number who have turn up on a regular basis.
We are fortunate to have a good group of volunteers on the sailing committee and a committed number who are keen to development of the youth within the club. I would like this opportunity to thank the club for the continued support it gives to the sailing club. All the sailors are appreciative of the excellent facilities it offers to our members.
Thanks also to our sponsors who have been extremely supportive in helping to keep the costs to a more manageable level and provide prizes for the annual regatta. These sponsors are acknowledged on the ‘wall downstairs.’
Lastly while I have the floor a request to all present in the room and wider that we are looking for volunteers in the sailing club to assist in either the starter box or for the more adventurous the rescue craft. We would really appreciate some help. Please see me if you are interested.
Please accept my report
Rob Cox
Moved: Lance Pettigrew Seconded: Russell Crawford All Agreed
Proposed changes and remits to the Constitution.
Submitted by the 2018 “MMBC Executive Committee”.
For consideration at the 2019 Annual General Meeting.
This paper serves to correct the interpretation and the intent of the “Constitution” as outlined in previous minutes of Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings dating back to 2008.
The “Executive Committee” has undertaken a review of the current “Constitution” over the last several months and found several anomalies, omissions and changes that have, or have not been backed up by remits from previous AGM or SGM meetings.
Further to these anomalies, the Committee has sought to correct mistakes, either consequential or grammatical which do not require “Remits” to correct and these will be spoken to at the 2019 AGM.
Eg: Title Page Omissions of punctuation. (grammatical)
Clause 1 Interpretation of member. (consequential)
Various Clauses Numbering of paragraphs. (either)
Proposed Remits.
Clause 3. Section d, reads
To undertake and execute any trusts which may seem to the Club conducive to its objects and powers.
Proposed change:
To undertake and execute any trusts which are conducive to the Clubs objects and powers.
This re-wording instills a need to rigorously investigate the pros and cons of such an action within the Club and necessitates a cost versus reward analysis before being undertaken.
Should this remit be successful it would require a consequential change to paragraphs g & h of the same clause.
Larry Ellison asked if these changes had been run past a Solicitor and Bernard’s answer was no, they hadn’t. He would take Larry’s concerns on board. Larry asked why the consequential changes were not posted and Bernard replied that they didn’t need to be as the initial remit implied that the wording to paragraph G & H were notified in the remit. Larry accepted this explanation.
Remit 1 – PASSED
Clause 7. Section 1, reads.
The Executive may impose and amend an entrance fee on the various classes of members and when the Entrance Fee may be levied.
Proposed change:
The Executive may impose and amend an entrance fee on the various classes of members and when the Entrance Fee may be applied.
Clause 7. Section 3, reads.
The annual subscription and other fees and levies shall be determined and fixed at each Annual General Meeting and shall be payable by no later than the 31st day of October in each year.
Proposed change:
The annual subscription and other levies shall be determined and fixed at each Annual General Meeting and shall be payable by no later than the 31st day of October in each year.
Section 3, as it reads, negates the power of the Committee to effect any changes to the “Entrance Fee” as it has done from time to time over past years. By removing the word levied in Section 1 and replacing it with applied separates it from Section 3, thus allowing the intent to apply. Similarly, by removing the words Fees and from Section 3, again separates the two and again allows the intent to apply.
This change will isolate the “Entrance Fee” in Section 1, from Annual Subscriptions and Levies in Section 3, which allows the status quo and the intent of the rules to remain.
Discussion was held regarding the reasoning and it was felt from the floor that it gave too much leeway to the Executive. However, it was accepted that it had occurred within the club history and this rewording was a logical resolve.
Remit 2 – Passed
Clause 12. Section d, paragraph 1, reads.
Without limiting the right of election to office or the right of the Executive to co-opt,(both contained in these rules) the Immediate Past Commodore of the Club, while he remains a member of the Club, shall be and remain an ex-officio member of the Executive for a period of one (1) year from the date he ceases to be Commodore.
Proposed change:
Without limiting the right of election to office or the right of the Executive to co-opt,(both contained in these rules) the Immediate Past Commodore of the Club, while he remains a member of the Club, shall be and remain an ex-officio member of the Executive for such time as the succeeding Commodore remains in office, up to a period of two (2) years.
Add paragraph 2.
In the event of the demise for any reason of the incumbent Commodore, the “Immediate Past Commodore” shall enter the Commodore role previously vacated, until such time as he is permanently voted in, or a suitable replacement is found.
Unfortunately, this past year saw the untimely death of MMBCs Commodore (Keith)and his lovely wife (Christine) in a tragic accident so very close to home. This coupled with our Vice Commodore (Paddy) having serious medical problems with his son up north, left the club without a leader and it would be fair to say, that the wheels fell off a little.
The club was left in a situation where we couldn’t even call upon our Immediate Past Commodore (Paula) as her term (according to the constitution) had passed several months prior. Eventually an SGM was set and Roger Cook stepped into the Commodores role. With Paddy resigning from the Vice role there-after, it became necessary to co-opt Paula into the role of Vice Commodore by way of an internal election by the Executive.
Without negating the powers of the committee to co-opt, this remit will allow the Club to move forward seamlessly whilst picking up the pieces should this ever happen again, and still provide the necessary support for who-ever might be in the Vice Commodore role at the time.
A discussion took place and as a result the remit was broken in to two parts and each one voted on individually. Further discussion took place and it was decided that the events of the previous year which formed the basis of this remit was unlikely to occur again. It was pointed out by Larry that an emergency special meeting could have and would in the future resolve the unforeseen dilemma. Both sections of the remit were then voted on and both were lost.
Remit 3 – Lost
Clause 12. Section g, reads.
The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the executive. The secretary and Treasurer shall not have voting rights.
Proposed change:
Delete Section g altogether.
At the Executive meeting of Wednesday 20th February 2019, the Executive effectively introduced the rights of the Secretary and Treasurer to vote at all meetings. The rationale behind this unanimous decision was that the Treasurer having access to all club moneys and Bank Accounts and all the responsibilities associated with that, couldn’t even move her own report for acceptance.
Likewise, the Secretary who is responsible for the Club Seal, all minutes, Club correspondence, accepting of all sub-committee reports including the Managers report and setting the Agenda for all meetings couldn’t even move these for acceptance at meetings.
In today’s society this rule is draconian and does not encourage the forward growth of the Club. Not to mention that neither could form part of the Quorum for any meeting.
Subsequent to that meeting in February, in March we undertook to review the constitution in its present form and found that this particular clause had been omitted from the latest printing of the Constitution and in fact should still have been active. This particular clause wasn’t found until July of this year when we reviewed the minutes from the SGM which immediately followed the AGM in August 2013. Had the committee known at the time, they would have dealt with it under Section29. By-laws and would still be submitting this remit for approval at this forum.
Looking back over the period from the last six (6) months to today the committee has found no reason to alter its original decision to allow these two positions full voting rights on committee and ask that the AGM verify its decision by way of this remit.
A discussion took place around this remit and the general consensus was that both the
Treasurer and the Secretary should have speaking rights but not voting rights.
Remit 4 – Lost
Various Clauses, Paragraphs & Sections.
Proposed change:
Standardise all submission, notification & posting day numbers to 21 days, 14 days & 10 days.
The MMBC has enjoyed a successful growth period and with the members demographic changing and members lives becoming busier it makes sense to allow members, executive and especially the Secretary, a slightly greater time frame to respond to submissions, changes and notifications.
It also serves to tidy up these days so that all of the above becomes standard practice instead of the variances that now exist.
Both Larry & Jane spoke to this and indicated that serious consideration had been given to these timeframes in the past and didn’t see the need to alter them. The remit was then put to the vote and passed
Remit 5 – Passed
Clause 26. Paragraph 3, reads.
Members shall pay the full cost of replacing any Club property destroyed, damaged or lost by them.
Proposed change:
Members may be required to pay the full cost of replacing any Club property destroyed, damaged or lost by them. In the event that the destruction, damage or loss is covered by the MMBCs current Insurance, the member may alternatively be asked to pay a percentage of the Claims excess.
It is unlikely that a member will intentionally destroy, lose or damage any of the Clubs property. Such property would ultimately be covered under the Clubs Insurance which has been paid for out of the members Annual subscription. It seems pointless to have Insurance if the policy is not to be used.
The wording of this remit gives the Executive the opportunity to assess each mishap on its own merit and make a decision based on the pertinent facts.
There was little discussion on this other than a general agreement from the floor that this remit made sense. The remit was voted on and passed.
Remit 6 – Passed
COMMODORE: Roger Cook Nominated: Bernard Cronin Seconded: Paula Bary
VICE COMMODORE: Bernard Cronin Nominated: Geoff McBrydie
Seconded: Martin How
FISHING CO-ORDINATOR: Kevin Giles Nomination: Marg Bartlett
Seconded: Murray Lucas
COMMITTEE: Ian Pedersen Nominated: Roy Van der Scouw
Seconded: Bill Curtis Bill Curtis Nominated: Ian Pedersen
Seconded: Kelvin Hirst
Pamela Cameron Nominated: Ian Pedersen
Seconded: Bernard Cronin
Martin How Nominated: Roger Cook
Seconded: John Bary
Murray Lucas Nominated: Neil Hughson
Seconded: Murray Neilson
Blair Cottrill Nominated: Bill Curtis
Seconded: Paul Wilson
SAILING CO-ORDINATOR: Rob Cox Elected by sailing committee
All the above nominations were unopposed and accepted
Moved: John Story moved that all nominations be accepted Seconded: Russell Crawford
The following positions were unanimously nominated at the Executive meeting held on 21st August. The Executive acknowledged Paula’s historical knowledge and services to the club and having her as a Patron would be a huge asset.
Peter Jamieson
Moved: Murray Perreau moved that Peter remains as a Patron. Seconded: Bill Curtis
Paula Bary
Moved: Tony Huisman moved that Paula become a club Patron. Seconded: Bill Curtis
AUDITOR: Burns Savage & Associates – Peter Savage was nominated by the Executive Committee to review the Club’s accounts for the 2019/2020 year.
Moved: Ian Pedersen Seconded: Bill Curtis Carried
SUB COMMITTEES: The Commodore asked if any members were willing to take part in the various sub-committees. A few people present showed an interest and these will be followed up on.
The Executive Committee moved at their Exec meeting on August 21st that the Annual Membership Subscription be raised by $10 to $80. Blair Cottrill explained the rationale behind this increase taking into the account that some large projects are planned in the future such as a Kitchen & Bar refurbishment and increasing the floor space in the main function room of the club. Blair finished saying that the club needed to have a larger surplus going forward. A general discussion took place with some members finding it hard to justify an increase and others agreeing with Blair.
This was put to the vote with 19 against and 24 in favour.
Gary moved that the Subs increase to $80. Seconded: Pam
Auditor – Larry Ellison asked if Peter Savage who reviews our annual accounts would also be doing the Audit this coming year. Marg indicated that he was & Larry said that we should be using an independent Auditor. Bernard concluded the discussion in stating the current situation of annual reviews with an audit every 5 years carried out by Peter Savage was no different to the accounts being audited every year by Peter Savage.
Malcom Bremner asked if the Kitchen menu could be changed every few months so there was a bit more variety for regular diners.
Roger announced that a Working Bee was planned for Saturday 7th September
There was no further business
Meeting closed at 4:30pm
Commodore Roger Cook
Treasurer Susan McPhee
Proposed change and remit to the Constitution (Constitution available at www.mmbc.org.nz)
REMIT proposed by Larry Ellison seconded by Bill Curtis.
Clause 12 (e).
Seven (7) Members of the Executive shall form a quorum.
Proposed change:
Seventy Five Percent (75%) of the Executive who have voting rights shall form a quorum.
There is concern that all positions on the Executive will not be filled in the forthcoming elections, if that is the case the club needs a mechanism to obtain a quorum regardless of the number on the Executive. Both the proposer and the seconder will withdraw this remit if 9 of the 11 positions are filled at the AGM.