PRESENT: K Swinbank (Chair), G Stratford (Vice-Commodore), K Turnbull (Secretary), M Bartlett (Treasurer) and 47 members & guests.
APOLOGIES: Gerry Dance & Wendy Saunders, Ross & Janet Brownson, Bruce & Claire Culley, Glyn Harper & Susan Lemish, Chris Brooks, John Havercamp & Janine Smart, Dave Hardman, Geoff & Donna McBrydie, Marcia Bowler, Colin Hirst, Jenny Pettigrew, Bill & Ngaire Curtis, Marilyn Stratford, Peter & Rosalie Sears, Jo How, Trevor Feek, Val Hirst, Peter Jamieson
Moved: Murray Perreau Seconded: Steph Brown All Agreed
MINUTES: Minutes of the 51st Annual General Meeting were taken as circulated and read.
Moved: Lance Pettigrew Seconded: John Bary All Agreed
Larry Ellison wanted it known that the wording in the 2017 AGM minutes was incorrect when stating that Peter Savage was nominated by the Executive Committee to be the clubs Auditor for the 2017/2018 year. Larry went on to say that Peter Savage was nominated to review the accounts not audit them. This is a technicality only, and the wording will changed in future.
Keith Swinbank presented his annual report –
Welcome to the 52nd annual general meeting of the Manawatu Marine boat club. Thank you all for taking the time to attend this meeting. We celebrate another successful year with a good financial return and the club in good heart – membership has cracked the 700 mark, “716” this is the first time we have broken the 700 mark. Special welcome to all those that have joined in the last 12 months.
Unfortunately with a club environment like we have, people pass on so our thoughts are with family and friends for their loss.
This club would not be as successful as it is, without the massive contribution that is made by our volunteers.
To our team of bar staff thank you for your time and effort which is put into this job.
A special thanks to Malcolm and Jenny for organising Wednesday night Handle- Bangle club. This is a great success thanks to you both. (comment on bangle).
We would like to see a few more people on our Bar Managers list so if you would like to help out here talk to Julie our club manager.
This last year due to other commitments one of our original bar managers, Larry Ellison, resigned. Larry was the main driver behind our current system with volunteer bar staff etc. Larry thank you for your contribution to this club. If the major changes hadn’t been made back in 2010 the club would not be in the healthy position it is today.
Julie, thank you for all your contribution to the club. I know that your position is a paid job, but I can assure members of the club that you do a lot more than what your hours cover. And I am looking forward to continuing to work with you for the next 12 months.
We have ticked off some major maintenance items over the last year.
The roof being the big one, hopefully this will last 15 to 20 years so there will be a few of us here who won’t be around to see the next replacement.
After a lot of discussion the lights on the ramp have been done, and this should particularly be a help to the Coast Guard.
We have installed the tea and coffee station and it’s great to see it getting used. This was done with the help of funds from both Fishing and Pool club, thank you to both sections. There has been a new stainless steel bench and drawers installed in the bar area and I know this has made the job easier for our bar managers.
A project that has been in the planning stage for four years is the area between the clubrooms and the ramp. This project has been undertaken by Kelvin’s team earlier in the year. The paling fence and the barbecue shelter have really tidied this area up.
This has been a joint project with the Horowhenua District Council. Thank you to everybody who contributed – from making the laminated beams to laying concrete, installing electrical cable, collecting and laying rocks for the garden area, a great effort by a great group of people. “Thanks” and special thanks to Kelvin and Bill for coordinating it all.
The main electrical switchboard has been upgraded this year as several areas of the old one were pretty suspect. The chiller unit for the keg room was replaced.
Bifold doors have been installed at the top of the stairs and the new exit door at the back of the clubrooms by the ladies toilet.
Also a very cost-effective tidy up was done to the office this financial year.
Meal Pagers – The meal pagers are working very well & are another dimension of the Club moving forward. Mick has found them great &it is now no problem with meals not being collected &getting cold.
The current plans are:-
Club acoustics- which has mostly been done
Replace the ramp pusher – currently sorting tenders
New floating jetty – Fishing have allocated $18,000 for the pusher & floating jetty.
Heating the clubrooms
Redesigning the main Bar and Kitchen Servery.
During the last 12 months we have signed off a lease with DOC for the land that the club sits on and the ramp and wharf area.
We are currently in discussion with DOC, Horowhenua district Council and Horizons regional council regarding the repairs to the far end of the wharf where the gabion baskets were installed five years ago as a temporary measure. DOC have approved funding for an engineer’s report. The quote from the engineer is for $13,000. Hopefully we will see some action soon.
Our club is run by a very small group of paid staff, and my thanks go to Mick, Lynda and the girls who are expected to prepare and present your meals in a very short time span. Also Janine behind the bar for ever smiling and looking for the next job; she doesn’t like to be idle. Thank you.
I would like to thank those who work voluntarily behind-the-scenes quietly doing jobs so that Julie can keep her hours manageable.
Kelvin Hirst and Bill Curtis and the team who lend a hand with all the maintenance jobs.
Kelvin Giles, Les Welsh, John Haverkamp our laundry maid, John Bary will be like a kid in a lolly shop when we get the new ramp pusher.
Geoff McBrydie keeps the bar stocked, recycles the cardboard and helps with stock take each month. He is currently away for six weeks which is a pain, and in future he might have to discuss holidays with Julie and I otherwise suffer a pay cut. Whatever we cut from nothing is still nothing.
Murray Lucas continues to monitor the ramp Pay System – Thank you Murray.
Radio Operators:
Unfortunately one of our radio operators Jean Harris passed away earlier this year – our thoughts are with Ross.
Glenda, Fred and Murray and the new member of the team Wayne Jameson provide a great service to our boaties and are an essential part of the club. ‘Thank you’.
Social Committee:-
Thank you to the team of dedicated ladies who come up with various events for the social calendar and are on hand for sandwich making whenever required, hopefully we will get some new blood into this team to help with ideas.
Rugby Picks:-
Continues to be popular with a core group of followers. Remember the more that are in it the bigger the weekly prize pool and end of year prizes. Watch for the promotions prior to the Super Rugby season starting. Thanks to Les and Ngaire for running this, and special thanks to Ngaire for stepping up and keeping it going during Les’s time of illness. All the best Les, we hope you are well on the road to recovery, I would also like to take the time to thank Les for his time on the executive team.
Outside functions continue to be an important part of the club’s revenue and Julie and Mick, with the help of Paula play a big part in their success.
The subsections within the club continue to grow. Pool is very popular and keep making noises about a third table. Sailing have the new BIC yachts which are very popular. Fishing had another successful Easter competition which is our major event for the year. If you’re around at Easter and have some spare time talk to Julie or myself and we will find you a job.This event takes a lot of volunteers to be successful. Thanks to Kevin Giles and his dedicated committee for all their work organizing this event.
In the future I see another sub section to this club, being Jet Skies.
During the last year we had a change of secretary. Thanks to Glenda for her work over the years. We welcome Karen to the team and hope she is going to be around for a while.
Thank you to the executive team for your support over the last 12 months and to those of you standing again, all the best. There will be an election this year.
Two of the executive have stood down both for health reasons, David Collin, Sailing and Les Welsh. Thanks to you both for the time you have put into different areas of the club and all the best for the road of recovery.
One last important person to thank – Paula Bary. Paula has so far given 11 years of service to this club from Secretary to Commodore, Past Commodore, Social Committee and Fishing Committee. Paula is going to continue to be an important cog in the wheel of fishing but is stepping aside from the executive. Thank you, Paula.
This club is a real thriving community centre that continues to grow thanks to its members and volunteers. It makes me really proud to be Commodore of such a great facility with a great membership.
Keith moved that his report be accepted.
Moved: Lance Pettigrew Seconded: Phil Brown All Agreed
Margaret Bartlett gave her report –
Financial Report for Year Ended 30 June 2018
Consolidated Accounts
Over all the divisions within the club, there was an initial surplus of $13647.00 which was great considering we had two major outlays this year. The roof replacement $48425 and the purchase of the six BIC sailing boats $23504. Other expenditure outlined later.
But, a prior period adjustment of $18790 has been applied, putting the accounts into an actual deficit for the year of $5143. This adjustment is due to an error in the accounts for the year ending June 2016 where $23000 was recorded to Assets – Ramp Improvements and should have been left at R&M where it was originally.
This was brought up by Mr Ellison at a recent meeting. It was agreed we would ask the accountants if this could be adjusted. As depreciation had been claimed for two years the resulting balance of $18790 has been recorded to prior period adjustments.
The bar has made a healthy profit again this year, $74770, up $3490 from 2017 year.
The biggest change in the expenses compared with the previous year was in Licensing, when in the previous year, all bar licenses had to be renewed. This year’s expense was $3k down on previous year.
Thanks to the volunteers who man the bar five nights per week, keeping our costs down and helping the bar to do so well. Thank you to Julie for her work managing the cost-effective purchasing of stock, and for the running of the facility.
$18511 surplus, up $1173 on 2017 year – total kitchen sales up by $20k on 2017 year. However, the cost of food purchases was higher than previous year by just under $15k. Gross Trading surplus $67329 an increase of $7724 compared with previous year.
Thanks to Julie for some kitchen stats from her records:
- Total meals for 2017 for Fri & Sat was 8004
- Total meals for 2018 for Fri & Sat was 8838. so, 834 meals up, plus extra functions
One the expenses side – Wages have increased by $6357 which reflects the extra staffing required to produce meals for club members and for private functions.
In 2017 year, we dropped back to one kitchen hand on a Friday night during winter, but this year we had to have two girls working with Mick just to keep up. Same with some Saturdays, being busier has taken an extra kitchen hand. We have done extra functions, requiring extra staffing from the kitchen. In recent years, club members have been in and helped in the kitchen when it’s really busy with dishes etc, but that doesn’t happen now, so we have extra staff to cover for those busier nights.
And with minimum wages increasing, we have given everyone in the kitchen pay rises over the year.
Apart from the extra staffing and pay rises mentioned above, accrued annual leave, and paying another chef to cover when Mick was away, all contribute to the wage increase this year.
Thanks again to Julie for her management skills with the kitchen staff and food purchasing. We all know how food prices keep soaring and what a battle it must be for Mick and Julie to organise menus and obtain quality supplies while keeping the costs as low as they can.
The Statement of Financial Performance for Sailing shows a profit of $15883.
The income includes a $10k donation and sponsorship from Fishing towards towards the purchase of the six BIC sailing boats cost totalling $23504.
The BICs were recorded to assets and show on the Depreciation Schedule; with the total included in the Property, Plant & Equipment on the Statement of Financial Position.
Taking the BICs into account reflects a overall deficit for Sailing of $7621.
Surplus of $7714 for Fishing this year, $1278 increase from previous year.
Easter Tournament entry fees higher this year by $6k.
On the accounts Sponsorship received of $17989 should be netted off against the expense for prizes of $19149.
A donation of $2k was given to the club towards the kitchenette costs.
Sponsorship of $2k given to Sailing towards one of the BICs.
Pool accounts show a deficit this year which is attributed to the division donating $2000 to the club towards the kitchenette (tea/coffee station).
Income has increased by $2k on last year through raffles and income from weekly club games.
Raffles on the accounts show (net) beside the income amount, but it isn’t net as Raffle prizes are shown in expenses.
Repairs and Maintenance related to new covers for the tables.
Raffles and Social
Both divisions had surpluses for the year – Raffles $5296, $939 up on previous year, and Social a $19 surplus, $950 better than last year. Social division are there to organise member functions where the majority of profit made, is through the bar and kitchen sales.
Operational Revenue totaled $204108 compared with 2017 year total of $155891. The increase is mainly attributable to the increase in divisional surpluses and the $20k donation for the roof.
Subscriptions received were $45552 an increase of $4k from the previous year.
General Expenses show $6219 which includes the Commodores Discretionary expenses of $2591 (most of this relates to new member evenings and will be recorded from 2019 year onwards as Promotions).
Also, in General Exp is $2000 payment for quote for Acoustics for clubrooms.
Major Repair & Maintenance Exp for Year
Roof 48425
Emergency Lighting System 2455
Bar Upgrade & Chiller repairs 7490
Security System upgrade 1672
Replace kitchen Zip water heater 894
Office upgrade 500
Capital Expenditure
BIC sailing boats 23504
Kitchenette – tea /coffee area 5304
Doors 4025
Meal Pagers 2750
Total Club Equity $983,333.
All in all, with major expenses of $96k we haven’t done too badly.
I would like to thank Keith Swinbank and the committee for their support during the year and
a huge thanks to Julie for all the work she does accounting for our income and providing me with an categorised, calculated spreadsheet of those details at the end of each month.
Moved: Gary Stratford Seconded: Paddy Doyle All Agreed
Larry Ellison wanted to know where the donation of $20,000 came from. He was informed that this was made by Eastern & Central Community Trust.
Kevin Giles gave his report –
To the MMBC Executive Committee and Club Members
Fishing has had another great year with the Kids fishing.
Ice Breaker 2nd June.
Boats 35
Entries 95
Easter Fishing
Major Sponsors – Hometown ITM, GH Engineering, AFC Motorcycles, Hammer / Mitre 10 and Harris and Eckersley Plumbing, Hunting and Fishing PN.
I would like to also thank all our other really great sponsors Which are listed on the Easter Fishing Tournament Board by the pool tables. Don’t forget if you have the need for a person to do work around your home or business please consider these sponsors.
Fishing Bank Account
As you may have noticed the Fishing Section has $22,393.00 in its bank account. The Fishing Section in Conjunction with the Commodore as agreed to allocate $18,000.00 for the purpose of the new mud pusher and the remainder to go towards the new Floating wharf. This money will remain in the Fishing Account until the monies are required to pay these Account(s).
This will still leave $12,107.00 in the Fishing Account after this year’s profit has been transferred after the AGM.
I would like to thank all the club members who help out with fishing during the year. Especially the fishing committee, the Weigh Master and the Radio operators.
I would also like to thank the Sponsors who support the Fishing Section. I have to acknowledge that a number of these sponsors have been very loyal sponsorship providers for a long time, without these great Business People the MMBC would be hard pressed to keep the club up to the great standard it is at the present time.
Last but not least a special thanks to Paula Bary for all her work as Tournament Director.
Moved: Kevin Giles moved that his report be accepted Seconded: Kelvin Hirst All Agreed
John Bary gave the Pool section report –
It’s my pleasure to present the Presidents report for 2018. MMBC’s Pool Club has 37 members and regular weekly attendances have been very good. However if we had a third table I think attendances would be even better. This would benefit both the MMBC and the pool club. This is something to investigate further in the coming months.
The usual visits to other pool clubs have been busy over the past few months, these visits are enjoyed by all members whether we win or lose.
Our first 12 week competition has concluded and we are now onto our 2nd 12 week competition. The competition is enjoyed socially and is usually of a high standard.
The J & J Story Open Doubles was played for on the 4th August. This is a competition which is open to all MMBC club members was won this year by Adam Frampton and his son Leonard who is 12 years old.
Christmas dinner and awards night in December is always a great event, which will finish the year’s pool activities.
My thanks go to all members for supporting the Pool Club and special thanks go to our Club Captain, Bill Baker for organising the years calendar also my thanks to the committee for their support.
Moved: John Bary Seconded: Gary Stratford All Agreed
David Collin gave his report –
The weather this season has been one of the most settled we have had for many years allowing us to run nearly all our club championship races throughout the season. This has resulted in us having many enjoyable days on the water making for good comaraderie.
We have seen many of our sailors travelling to other regatta’s & club events. This is especially true for the Juniors sailing our BIC’s who have attended several events over the season.
Anyone who would like to assist us to either man our support boats for the coming season or assist us on the start line on race day would be very welcome. Most people enjoy being involved in our activities once they have done it for the first time. Any day on the water is normally regarded as a good day by most of us.
I would like to thank all the people who have helped on the sailing committee, our club regatta or on our race days. Special thanks go to the committee who all stepped up when I was unable to fulfil my role as Sailing Coordinator. I leave my position of five years as Sailing Coordinator to Rob Cox, knowing it is in good hands & look forward to the changes that I am sure Rob will bring.
.Moved: David Collin Seconded: Murray Perreau All Agreed
COMMODORE: Keith Swinbank Nominated: Lance Pettigrew Seconded: Joss Urbahn
VICE COMMODORE: Paddy Doyle Nominated: Paul Whitcombe
Seconded: Donald McGregor
COMMITTEE: Ian Pedersen Nominated: Claire Culley
Seconded: Lilian Giles Janine Smart Nominated: Joss Urbahn
Seconded Helen Kilty
Gary Stratford Nominated: John Bary
Seconded: Bill Baker
Bill Curtis Nominated: Kelvin Hirst
Seconded: Roger Duffy
Stephanie Brown Nominated: Lilian Giles
Seconded: Paula Bary
Pamela Cameron Nominated: Julie Flannagan
Seconded: Karen Turnbull
Bernard Cronin Nominated: Roger Cook
Seconded: Murray Lucas
SAILING CO-ORDINATOR: Rob Cox Elected by sailing committee
FISHING CO-ORDINATOR: Kevin Giles Nomination: Pat Bergin
Seconded: Murray Neilson
Commodore: Keith Swinbank Uncontested
Vice Commodore: Paddy Doyle Uncontested
We had seven nominations for the Executive Committee. These positions were put to the vote due to only six available seats.
The following were successful –
Executive Committee:
Ian Pedersen, Gary Stratford, Bill Curtis, Stephanie Brown, Pamela Cameron, Bernard Cronin
Moved: Joss Urbahn moved that the voting papers be destroyed.
Seconded: Bernard Cronin
Sailing Co-Ordinator: Rob Cox (Elected at Sailing AGM held today)
Fishing Co-Ordinator: Kevin Giles
Moved: Paula Bary Seconded: Kelvin Hirst
PATRON: Peter Jamieson
Moved: Gary Stratford Seconded: Bill Baker Carried
HON SOLICITOR: Trish Amor-Davy was nominated by the Executive Committee to be the clubs Solicitor for the 2018/2019 year
Moved: Ian Pedersen Seconded: Paula Bary Carried
AUDITOR: Burns Savage & Associates – Peter Savage was nominated by the Executive Committee to review the Club’s accounts for the 2018/2019 year.
Moved: Joss Urbahn Seconded: Paddy Doyle Carried
SUB COMMITTEES: The Commodore asked if any members were willing to take part in the various sub-committees
The following put their names forward:
SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Marilyn Stratford, Christine Easton, Lil Giles, Steph Brown, Elaine Petersen, Pamela Cameron
FISHING COMMITTEE: Kevin Giles (Fishing Co-Ordinator), John Bary, Lil Giles, John Havercamp, Kelvin & Val Hirst.
POOL COMMITTEE: John Bary (President), Bill Baker (Club Captain), Gary Stratford (Secretary/Treasurer), Committee Phil Brown, Alan McLeod, Jude Moxon
Paddy Doyle moved on behalf of the Executive Committee that the annual Membership Subscription be raised from $70 to $75. The reasoning behind this was that even though inflation has not been huge we still need to keep this in mind and the subs have not been increased for 4 years.
Lance Pettigrew suggested that if the subs were raised perhaps there could be just a Social membership for those who did not use the ramp for fishing etc. Kevin Giles explained that they would still be using all the other club amenities.
Keith thought that last time the subs were raised it was $20 and it would be best that it was raised in small increments. Larry correct Keith saying that it was only a $10 rise last time and he didn’t think there was any financial reason to make an increase. He thought it would only give out the wrong message when the club is doing well financially. Lance Pettigrew made the point that our increase in membership will add more wear & tear on the facilities.
After a verbal vote from those attending the meeting the motion was lost.
Paddy made an announcement that a Celtic night was planned for Saturday 13th October
This was Paula Bary’s last year on the Executive Committee and a bouquet of flowers was presented to her by Julie.
There was no further business
Meeting closed at 3:45pm